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 Save an Array to disk

   Function:   XPaSave()

               This is a powerful function, that, in combination with
               XPaRestore() renders obsolete the use of the Clipper .MEM
               save and restore system. XPaSave() accepts any Array (or
               any datatype except code-blocks and objects) and saves it
               to a file on disk. Even if the Array is multi-dimensionned,
               thanks to recursive calls, there's no problem. That exact
               same array can then be restored using the XPaRestore() function,
               no need whatsoever to use those doomed Publics or Privates

               Binker users: Note that you should set the PROCEDURE DEPTH
               accordingly when you are planning to save arrays with lot's
               of dimensions. If you get FATAL ERROR 650 (or som'thing of
               that nature, you know what the trouble is)..

               this function could have been extended with a special header
               to identify the save file, or the use of encryption. I decided
               not to add those for simplicity, but it is of course possible
               to do it oneself with the sources.

   Syntax:     XPaSave(cFileName,aVar) --> lSucces

   Arguments:  <cFileName> is the file to save to. Extension needs to be
               supplied by yourself. <aVar> is any data-item really, but
               usually will be an array with the data you want to save. The
               array can be multidimensionned, XPaSave() will work in any case.

   Returns:    .t. on succesful save, .f. otherwise.

   Usage:      XPaSave('TEST',{'Array',12,{'Multi','Dimensional'},date()})

               Even this is possible (it saves current DIR information):


See Also: XPaRestore()
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